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- Tencia
- Tencia Module Overview
- Tencia General Ledger
- Tencia Cashbook
- Tencia Debtors
- Tencia Creditors
- Tencia Sales Orders
- Tencia Stock
- Tencia Purchase Orders
- Tencia Foreign Currency
- Tencia Security
- Tencia Serial Batch Tracking
- Tencia Advanced Sales Analysis
- Tencia Special Pricing Matrix
- Tencia Report Designer
- Tencia Job Costing
- Tencia Fixed Assets
- Tencia Payroll
- Tencia Bill of Materials
- Tencia Connect Enterprise
- Tencia Multi-Company
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Tencia Foreign Currency |
With Tencia you can enter purchase orders, creditor’s invoices, sales orders, debtor invoices, General Ledger payments and journals and credit notes in a foreign currency.Tencia allows for centralised cash related transactions, for currencies in addition to the local currency.
- Nominate a default foreign currency code for individual debtors and creditors.
- The foreign currency rate can be maintained daily or at a frequency that suits your individual requirements.
- Override the default foreign currency rate, during a transaction by entering a transaction “currency rate”.
- Reports such as the debtors and creditors trial balance reports can be printed using either the “default rate” or “transaction rate”.
- Optionally when printing debtors statements or creditors remittance a currency code can be selected.
- Inquiries can be performed to display local currency values and foreign currency values.
- Foreign Currency transactions are entered in the nominated currency of the bank account e.g. US dollars.
- Automatic calculation of local currency amount based upon conversion rates entered during data entry.
- Ability to revalue transactions allowing for unrealised and realised foreign exchange losses/gains to be generated.
- Automatically generate the necessary journals for revaluation of transactions.
- Print Cash Book reports such as the transaction list, in either local and/or the foreign currencies.
Tencia Purchase Orders |
Tencia’s Purchase Order features allow you to effectively manage orders that are placed with suppliers.This feature is fully integrated with job costing, Bill of Materials and the Sales Order system so that automatic stock allocation to customer backorders occurs.
Purchase order features include:
- Easily change or delete orders.
- View stock balances when creating orders.
- Maintain foreign currencies so that orders can be placed with overseas suppliers.
- View costs that were charged in the past by a particular supplier for an individual item while placing an order.
- Enter non-stock lines on purchase orders.
- Automatically allocate stock received to sales backorders.
- Enter multiple purchase orders against one supplier’s invoice or delivery docket.
- Purchase order text facility by line or block.
- Calculate total weight on purchase order.
- View purchase history for creditors and stock code combinations, to better negotiate purchase prices with creditors.
- Print bar code labels for stock received.
- Receipt stock into a transit location.
- Optionally allocate additional costs to a purchase order based on value, quantity, import duty percentage, or weight. (Landed cost.)
- Variances between actual and estimated costs will be highlighted when supplier invoices are entered.
- Purchase orders received into stock before the supplier invoice is received.
- You can create a purchase requisitions.
- Can allocate a minimum authorisations value.
- Allocate authorisation security levels.
- Create return authorities.
- Automatically generate purchase orders for sales orders, stock, production orders and jobs.
Purchase order reports include:
- Orders.
- Cash commitments.
- Costs by order.
- Costs by stock.
- Quantities by supplier.
- Values by order.
- Values by stock.
- Values by supplier.
- Order status report.
- Quantities by stock.
Tencia Stock |
The Tencia stock module gives you control over the entire stock cycle, from the initial purchase of the goods to the eventual sales, making it easy to track stock movements and inventory levels quickly and accurately.
Stock features include:
- Calculate stock reordering, taking into account, seasonality, lead time, economic order quantity, minimum stock level, and selling/purchase cycle.
- Handles multiple stock locations, with different costs and selling prices at each location if required.
- Allows for three types of costs to be used, latest, average and standard.
- Fast price updating using the bulk price update facility or prices can be updated individually.
- Set up unlimited discounted prices and selling prices using the Price Discount matrix.
- Enter a new supplier at time of entering stock details.
- Non diminishing stock lines can be created.
- Supports negative stock balances.
- Post future period transactions
- Location and bin number available.
- Issue stock to jobs for job costing.
- Allows for physical stocktake counts.
- Perform stock inquires using flexible sorting and filtering features.
- Stock conversion provides the ability to purchase and sell in different units.
- Mark up pricing, based on cost of purchase.
- Option to show costs on stock inquiry.
- Locate stock items using multiple methods including: stock code, supplier stock code, multiple bar stock codes.
- Up to 30 characters Alpha numeric stock code.
- Up to 6 selling prices.
- Flag stock as obsolete.
- Nominate minimum sales margin by stock category.
- Track stock in transit.
- Up to 10 user definable fields on the Stock master file.
- Multi-level dissection performed by stock category and stock sub categories.
- Handles multiple bin locations per stock item.
- Calculation of freight cost on debtors invoice based on weight of item.
- Stock Ledger report.
- Stock valuation and movements reports.
- Stock on order report.
- Transaction listings.
- Sales report x value and quantity.
- Reorder report.
- Stocktake report.
- Stocktake sheets.