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- Tencia
- Tencia Module Overview
- Tencia General Ledger
- Tencia Cashbook
- Tencia Debtors
- Tencia Creditors
- Tencia Sales Orders
- Tencia Stock
- Tencia Purchase Orders
- Tencia Foreign Currency
- Tencia Security
- Tencia Serial Batch Tracking
- Tencia Advanced Sales Analysis
- Tencia Special Pricing Matrix
- Tencia Report Designer
- Tencia Job Costing
- Tencia Fixed Assets
- Tencia Payroll
- Tencia Bill of Materials
- Tencia Connect Enterprise
- Tencia Multi-Company
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Is Tencia accounting software right for you?
- Have you outgrown your existing Accounting package or software?
- Are you looking for an Accounting solution that grows alongside your business?
- Do you need to track your sales orders and purchase orders better?
- Has your business grown internationally and your requirements are no longer being met by your existing software?
Tencia's core system includes: |
Tencia Specialist Modules |
Tencia Cashbook |
Efficient cash management is fundamental in today’s ever changing business environment. The Tencia cashbook maintains an up to date running balance of your cash position so you are fully informed about your organisations liquidity at any point in time and able to forecast future cash flow based on accurate data. Keeping you informed and in control.
Cashbook features include:
Multiple bank accounts which can be maintained in both local and foreign currencies.
Automatic notifications when bank accounts move into credit.
Quick and simple bank reconciliations with minimum data entry.
Full integration with the debtors and creditors functions and links to payroll so that payments are automatically reflected in your bank account balances including transfers between bank accounts.
Easy processing of cancelled cheques and dishonoured receipts.
Simple to use income and expense codes are available, for flexible data entry and reporting.
Ability to permanently store bank, branch and drawer details against debtor, at time of receipt entry.
Cashbook reports:
Bank account listing
Bank account Ledger
Income transaction report
Expense transaction report
Automatic transactions report
Cashflow report
Bank reconciliation
Bank deposit listing
Computerised cheque printing
Cheque register
Printing receipts
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Tencia Creditors |
The creditors feature allows you to keep track of and reconcile your creditor accounts. Tencia’s easy to use interface allows for rapid data entry of supplier invoices. Giving you the insight you need to monitor the age of your suppliers debt, more effectively.
Creditor features:
Includes a facility for setting up creditors as either balance forward of open item accounts
Creditor information can be accessed by selecting creditor codes or alpha codes.
Analysis of creditor status by supplier type or expense code.
Exception reporting for management reports.
Set up and schedule automatic payments for invoices paid on a regular basis.
Perform automatic, manual and electronic payments
Automatic cheque printing facility.
Perform comprehensive inquiries on Creditor accounts and filter information by creditor codes, dates, or values.
View Current, Old, Future or All transactions and sort or filter them by type i.e. invoices, credits, payments or cheques.
Process future invoices and payments.
Customisable trading terms that are defined by the user.
Place invoices on partial or full holds.
Print historical remittance information.
Keep details of all fully paid transactions and print them when required.
Analysis of creditors using creditor and supplier codes to differentiate who your suppliers are.
Multiple dissections using purchase code and supplier types.
Up to 10 user defined fields on the Creditors master file.
Creditor reports include:
Aged trial balances
Creditors Ledger
Pay As You Go payment summaries
Transaction/Tax listing.
Analysis of purchases by Creditor/supplier type or expense code.
Exception reporting for management reports.
Prescribed payments deductions listing.
Creditors Labels.
Payment by due date report.
Forward payments list.
- Back to Module Overview
Tencia accounting software delivers an integrated solution that is flexible, affordable and easy to use. Tencia has been built using web services, which allows Tencia to ‘talk’ to any other systems that conform to web services, overcoming compatibility issues of different operating systems, platforms and programming languages of the past.
Suitable across a range of industries
Tencia is suitable for businesses across a range of industries including; financial and professional services, manufacturing, distribution and wholesale, information technology and associations and not for profit (NFP) organisations.
Secure, reliable and easy to use software
Offering a comprehensive set of accounting features, deep functionality and lots of flexibility are only some of the benefits Tencia has to offer:
Fully integrated – reducing the need for double handling data.
Robust security features – Featuring a layered security model that uses permissions and defaults to ensure sensitive information is protected.
Remote access – Works on the web, so you can access Tencia from all over the world.
Highly customisable – Advanced features that give you the flexibility to customise each users interface to align with their specific job role.
Scalable – grows alongside your business.
Familiar and easy to use workspace – Tencia allows you to access Microsoft programs from the main application window using quick links and a customisable favourites menu, making its integration with Microsoft products appear seamless.
Tencia operates as a full forms application when run over the Internet. Full forms applications have significantly more functionality than browser applications and as a result Tencia does not require an Internet browser or thin client access product to operate, it operates via a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection. Ideal for:
Multiple office locations
Multiple warehouse locations
Advanced stock requirements
Deal in multiple currencies
Deal with high volume transactions
Tencia Advantage
Tencia’s platform extensibility provides boundless business opportunities such as vertical integration. Windows Communication technology is a gateway to building end-to-end solutions that can be tailored to fit your industry needs. For example, you could decide to make your product catalogue and stock information available to your vendors using windows communications technology, in doing so tightening your supply chain management, and streamlining your business-to-business relationships. The possibilities are boundless.
Tencia is 100% Australian made and Australian owned, with Head Office located in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Tencia – The easiest accounting and business management software to deploy for medium sized businesses. For more information link to the Tencia Module Overview or click on the image below to view the product brochure.

Tencia Sales Orders |
The sales order features in Tencia allow users to manage the complete sales order cycle, from preparing quotes to issuing Debtor invoices.Tencia allows users to easily print invoices, packing slips and credit notes and integrates fully with Stock, Debtors, Purchase Orders and Bill of Materials, saving you time and reducing the possibility of errors.
Sales order module features include:
Easily convert quotes into orders, invoices and bills.
Perform inquiries using drag and drop features and Tencia’s sorting and filtering functions to respond quickly to customer queries about the status of an order.
View stock availability when creating orders.
Automatic stock or backorder allocation when sales orders are entered.
System allows direct release of orders and the creation of the invoice. together with the updating of the Debtors and Stock modules.
Handles future dated orders.
Debtors balance and credit limits will be displayed at time of order entry.
Automatic or manual release for backorders incorporating back order priorities.
Ability to override sales price at time of entering the order.
Multiple delivery addresses, and contact details can be entered per debtor.
Ability to create new delivery addresses at time of entering order.
Sales order text facility by line or block.
Optional facility to consolidate multiple orders onto one invoice.
Sales orders with backorder lines can be transferred to create a purchase order.
Ability to view historical purchase details, that is previous selling price for this debtor and stock code combination, at the time of quote or sales order entry.
Automatic credit checking which places orders on “hold”
EDI Sales Order upload facility
Process standing orders as recurring orders based on a nominated frequency cycle.
Bar code scanning feature for efficient order processing.
Sales order reports include:
Orders and quotations.
Packing slips.
Delivery Address lists
Quantities by order.
Quantities by stock code.
Quantities by customer.
Values by sales order.
Values by stock code.
Values by customer.
Outstanding orders by customer.
Tencia Debtors |
The debtors feature allows you to keep track of important customer sales and credit information. Tencia gives you the ability to quickly and easily monitor customer outstanding balances. The simple to use interface lets you perform detailed on screen inquiries providing you with up to date information to enable efficient customer follow up and collection of outstanding amounts.
Debtors features:
Invoices may be set up for regular processing by debtor groups.
Automatic processing of invoices
Customers set up as a combination of debtor types including; weekly, fortnightly, or monthly debtors.
Exception reporting.
Consolidation of debtors into parent accounts when issuing debtor statements.
User interface screens customisable to streamline data entry.
Automatic calculation of settlement discounts where required.
Flexible transaction inquiry screen where information about current and past transactions can be viewed and analysed.
Allows for open item and balance forward Debtors.
Review up to date information such as current balance and transaction details for each customer account.
Transactions can be posted to future periods.
Apply dollar and credit limits to individual Debtors.
Create new Debtors at the same time as performing invoice entry.
Create an ageing debtors report on-screen and preview customer transactions.
Ability to send statements and invoices to customer’s billing or email address.
Create customised statements and invoices.
Automatic notifications when debtors have exceeded their credit limits.
Up to 10 user defined fields on the Debtors Master file.
Can put values on hold and alter pay dates.
Multi level dissection including sales code, area code, customer type.
Service and stock invoicing with unlimited text or stock images.
Ability to calculate and generate invoices for interest charges on overdue accounts.
Summary trial balance.
Detailed trial balance.
Debtor account ledger.
Transaction/Tax listing, current and day book.
Sales analysis by Debtor, summary and detailed.
Sales by sales codes, summary and detailed.
Exception reporting.
Name and address listing and labels.
Sales Commission Report.
- Back to Module Overview
Tencia Stock |
The Tencia stock module gives you control over the entire stock cycle, from the initial purchase of the goods to the eventual sales, making it easy to track stock movements and inventory levels quickly and accurately.
Stock features include:
Calculate stock reordering, taking into account, seasonality, lead time, economic order quantity, minimum stock level, and selling/purchase cycle.
Handles multiple stock locations, with different costs and selling prices at each location if required.
Allows for three types of costs to be used, latest, average and standard.
Fast price updating using the bulk price update facility or prices can be updated individually.
Set up unlimited discounted prices and selling prices using the Price Discount matrix.
Enter a new supplier at time of entering stock details.
Non diminishing stock lines can be created.
Supports negative stock balances.
Post future period transactions
Location and bin number available.
Issue stock to jobs for job costing.
Allows for physical stocktake counts.
Perform stock inquires using flexible sorting and filtering features.
Stock conversion provides the ability to purchase and sell in different units.
Mark up pricing, based on cost of purchase.
Option to show costs on stock inquiry.
Locate stock items using multiple methods including: stock code, supplier stock code, multiple bar stock codes.
Up to 30 characters Alpha numeric stock code.
Up to 6 selling prices.
Flag stock as obsolete.
Nominate minimum sales margin by stock category.
Track stock in transit.
Up to 10 user definable fields on the Stock master file.
Multi-level dissection performed by stock category and stock sub categories.
Handles multiple bin locations per stock item.
Calculation of freight cost on debtors invoice based on weight of item.
Stock Ledger report.
Stock valuation and movements reports.
Stock on order report.
Transaction listings.
Sales report x value and quantity.
Reorder report.
Stocktake report.
Stocktake sheets.