About Pronto Xi

Your business relies on tools that help to increase productivity, lower costs and simplify tasks. Instead of the market-standard “one-size-fits-all” approach, Pronto Xi is designed to easily adapt to your business structure and processes

Core offering

Pronto Xi is built around a core framework – Pronto Xi Essentials – providing a core framework that expands and grows as you do.


Streamline with integrated back and front end

Pronto Xi Retail offers a fully integrated Point of Sale (POS) and eCommerce application to manage all aspects of operations, end-to-end. From product inventory management to creating personalised promotions that can be designed and triggered based on defined rules – this sophisticated application provides the tools for exceptional customer experience to drive sales revenue.

Retail Applications Overview

With flexible configurability suited to each retailer, staff have easy access to vital information, accelerating sales.

Key features include: 

Central pricing, updates and promotions

Margin tracking

Visual item inventory

Multiple payment methods including BNPL

Powerful workflows with multi-button POS